Welcome to Vista Ranch! This site will be used to share what I do with, learn about, and discover concerning keeping chickens in as natural and organic a state as possible. Please feel free to browse around the site, read all the blogs, or search for a particular thing you are curious about. If I haven't covered a topic yet, feel free to contact me and perhaps I will have some information I haven't had time to write up yet. Thanks for stopping by, and come again soon!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Daily Routine

We have two coops. While they wouldn't win any beauty contests, they are functional and easy to maintain. They have roosting bars- all at the same height and large enough to accommodate all- some nesting boxes placed close to the ground, and plenty of floor space. Both coops are very secure, with good ventilation, but absolutely no way for a predator to get in to feast on my feathered friends. Every night before darkness falls the chickens dutifully go to bed, and the doors are closed and fastened. The chickens sleep in peace- and so do I.

During the day, however, our flock ranges where it pleases. The distance from outbuildings depends largely on the breed, but they can scamper and scratch, enjoying fresh air, sunshine, dirt baths, and freedom such as few chickens ever get. They never go anywhere because they have everything they need right in the comforts of home.

I believe in freedom for chickens. If not completely unfenced freedom, at least enough room for them to do what chickens are supposed to do. An area large enough to scratch in, a place for dirt bathing, and both shade and sun throughout the day seem very important if we want our chickens to live their lives the way they should.

Believe me, happy hens make happy owners!

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